There's something about the Green Valley Grill "Seared Ahi Sandwich" that's simply spectacular. Every time I visit S. Martinelli & Company in Watsonville, I insist on lunch at this non-descript restaurant on the second floor of what is otherwise some sort of a medical clinic building. Let me tell you: the ahi is seared over the grill, so it has a smokey flavor, and the bread is fresh and delicious. But the fresh aoli (fresh avocado, raspberry vinegrette, onion, etc.) is something for which to die. Add those components together - killer! Sandy and I spent the day with our friends at Martinelli's on the last Thursday in March, and we had a very successful trip. Of course, we had the requisite business review with the people on the "West Beach" (production) side of the business, but we received a bonus plant tour from Mark Llewelln, the Plant Manager. That facility has REALLY grown with the addition of very impressive production equipment. After our plant tour, it was off to lunch at the Green Valley Grill (a really, really good Seared Ahi Sandwich - really!) with Mary Clifton (Marketing Assistant) and Julie Lambert (Vice President, Finance). We spent some time with Julie and Mary back at the "East Beach" offices discussing a potential "web executive gift" program followed by a Customer Service meeting with Cheryl, Deborah, and Patti. In all, a fantastic day. We really missed seeing our friends, Tony Robinson (Director, National Sales) and John Martinelli, but we were treated royally by our tour guide, Mary, and made to feel right at home by all of our friends at Martinelli's, Already, I hear a Seared Ahi Sandwich calling my name for a return visit!!!